Hiring Now

At Excentia Human Services, you have the ability to support individuals with developmental needs, helping to create lives filled with hope, achievement, and aspiration. You have unique experiences, skills, and passions – we believe you can bring them all to Excentia Human Services for a rewarding career.
We have a variety of full-time and part-time positions available that allow you to make a difference for people in our community.



Excentia Human Services is a nonprofit organization in Lancaster County that provides services for people with developmental needs and autism throughout the lifespan. These services can begin at birth with therapeutic and educational programs for children and their families – some will use services for only a few months, and others until public school services start. Many return after graduation to utilize adult day services, employment services, or residential options.

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"It is really helpful for a family to have a partner that will take them through a child or adult's whole lifespan."

-Anonymous, Solicited

Lifespan of services

Excentia services

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Early Childhood services

 Therapeutic and educational services for children with developmental needs from birth to school age.


Adult Services

Residential services, supported employment, community participation supports, behavior supports, and more.

Child playing with a playdoh cookie cutter while caretaker watches

Autism Services

In-home services for adults, monthly community meetings, and family liaison services. More coming soon!



Every dollar, every donor, every year, changes lives. 



Get involved and make a difference in the lives of others!



Join us in providing support for those with developmental needs.

donate to support

Join us in enhancing lives.

Give Extra to Excentia on Nov. 17!

Share a gift that gives all people the opportunity to lead productive and fulfilling lives.