adult services
Communications Services help ensure that every individual has the ability to communicate to the best of their potential regardless of age, diagnosis, and prior history. The team of speech pathologists, behavior specialists, communication specialists, and occupational therapists conduct customized evaluations to thoroughly assess, trial, and execute plans to give people their voice.
Several disabilities and challenges can impede certain communication styles in adults.
People with a receptive language disorder have difficulty understanding what others say. They may respond in a way that doesn’t make sense with the topic of conversation. There is no one cause to why this happens, but it is not related to a hearing or intelligence issue.
Expressive language disorder affects how someone can communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively. They may struggle to form coherent sentences, which may frustrate them. Similar to receptive language disorder, it is important to recognize that having an expressive language disorder is not an indicator of a person’s intelligence.
Those with an articulation disorder may have difficulty forming words or sounds beyond the age their peers learn phonetics. It is common for these speech sounds to be dropped, added, distorted or substituted within sentences.
A social communication disorder makes it challenging for someone to speak or otherwise communicate in social situations. This category encompasses difficulties with social interaction, social awareness and language usage.
Communication disorders are more common than you might think. To combat some of these, Excentia Human Services offers several adult communication therapies for adults with learning disabilities:
Excentia Human Services offers a wide variety of communication therapies to assist adults with learning disabilities. Our team of therapists is committed to providing quality care for any communication disorder. Individualized whole-person care is our top priority throughout the process, ensuring all needs are met.
Are you interested in finding out more information about our adult communication services? Call us at 717-519-6740 or fill out our online form below to see how we can serve you.
If you have a question or would like more information, please contact Heather, Augmentative Communications Team Lead.
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