Events with the SJSC

Last week I had the opportunity to visit two of Excentia’s S. June Smith Centers for fun filled days. On Thursday I visited the Ephrata preschool for their Olympic games and then on friday I headed to the Lancaster location for a preschool graduation. One thing that I noticed at each preschool were that the connections between the students and teachers were strong, pure and unbreakable.


When I first pulled up the Ephrata preschool I could tell we were in for an eventful morning because all of the olympic themed games were already set up outside. As I entered the main building classroom the sound of laughter and play filled the room. The kids were having playtime and snack time until the other classroom would join us.

Children using parachute to play games

Once the other class showed up the real fun began. We all circled around a parachute, the colorful one that most of us remember playing with in gym classes when we were little kids. The kids started pulling up and down while I added beach balls into the mix, but since all of the children were different heights many times the balls would fall right to the ground.

After the opening ceremony parachute game we split up into two groups — one inside and one outside. The children who were outside played games such as the mini beach ball toss, wet sponge toss and water blaster archery with balloons. While the outdoor activities took place the other group was inside golfing, having a beach ball toss and even an ocean themed scavenger hunt. Though there wasn’t any competition among the kids during the olympic games they all still received gold medals at the closing ceremonies.

Children playing with water Child smiling because she made a hole in one  


On friday I was invited to the lancaster preschool graduation which really excited me because the last preschool graduation I attended my own. When I approached the classroom the first thing I noticed were the beautiful decorations that the teacher and staff had made to make the room more lively and interactive. As I navigated through the sea of parents for my seat the sound of live music filled the air from violinists in the center of the room.

Two girls and a woman playing violin for the incoming graduates Classroom Decor of bees and a tree branch

While waiting for the graduation to start myself and about 30 people were greeted by Sally who is the classroom teacher. After her opening words a woman from Earth Rhythms, a local business, handed the soon to be graduates instruments and had the entire room join along in clapping and song. As the children were getting ready for their official graduation ceremony we continued to sing songs.

After a few moments the room filled with the sound of the official graduation music played by the violinists. Each child walked back into the room but this time they all had on graduation gowns and caps, which made every parent’s face light up. After they all sat down they were presented with their diplomas and artwork that they had completed in anticipation for the big day. One thing that grounded all of us was when a diploma was presented to a family who had just lost their child the previous week.

Child in graduation cap and gown

Attending the preschool graduation and Olympic games made me very thankful for the position that I am in with Excentia. I wouldn’t have these opportunities otherwise to meet and interact with the teachers, families and students who are directly impacted by Excentia’s S. June Smith Center.

If you would like to watch the Lancaster preschool graduation you can watch it below.

Alpha Love and Mine,


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