COVID-19 Vaccine Info

Updated 3/9/21

Excentia Human Services stands in support of COVID-19 vaccines and strongly encourages all employees, people we support, and community members to get a vaccine as soon as they are able.

Since the vaccinations have been made available, well over a hundred employees have been vaccinated, and more are signed up and waiting to be vaccinated. The rollout for vaccinations in PA is evolving and changing daily, and our COVID Task Force is working tirelessly to keep up with the constant flow of information to ensure we give the opportunity for vaccination to all of our employees and people we support as soon as possible.

Please note that the vaccine is not a cure and therefore we must continue our other mitigation practices including masking, social distancing, and sanitization until further notice.

If you have any questions, call our COVID Hotline at 717-844-2971 or email

Frequently Asked QuestionsThis information is provided by the CDC

  • Are COVID-19 vaccines safe?

    “All the COVID-19 vaccines being used have gone through rigorous studies to ensure they are as safe as possible. Systems that allow CDC to watch for safety issues are in place across the entire country. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Emergency Use Authorizations for COVID-19 vaccines that have been shown to meet rigorous safety criteria and be effective as determined by data from the manufacturers and findings from large clinical trials. Watch a video describing the emergency use authorization. Clinical trials for all vaccines must first show they meet rigorous criteria for safety and effectiveness before any vaccine, including COVID-19 vaccines, can be authorized or approved for use. The known and potential benefits of a COVID-19 vaccine must outweigh the known and potential risks of the vaccine. Learn more about how federal partners are ensuring the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in the United States.

  • If I already had COVID-19, do I still need to get the vaccine?

    “Yes. Due to the severe health risks associated with COVID-19 and the fact that reinfection with COVID-19 is possible, you should be vaccinated regardless of whether you already had COVID-19 infection. If you were treated for COVID-19 symptoms with monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma, you should wait 90 days before getting a COVID-19 vaccine. Talk to your doctor if you are unsure what treatments you received or if you have more questions about getting a COVID-19 vaccine.”

  • Can the vaccine make me sick with COVID-19?

    “No. None of the COVID-19 vaccines contain the live virus that causes COVID-19 so a COVID-19 vaccine cannot make you sick with COVID-19. Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines

Additional Resources

CDC Interim Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People

PA Dept of Health – COVID-19 Vaccine Information

CDC – What to Expect After Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine

CDC – Ensuring the Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines in the United States

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet

CVS COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic FAQ

PA Dept of Health COVID Vaccination Indicators and Contraindications

StationMD Recorded Webinar – A COVID-19 vaccine “town hall” by StationMD, a medical practice that specializes in treating individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Password: StationMD*1234

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