Excentia Human Services to Unveil New Preschool Playground

Aging equipment replaced with inclusive, ADA accessible playground for preschool children

Excentia Human Services is pleased to announce the unveiling of a brand-new playground at its Ephrata Preschool, housed at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Ephrata, PA. The new playground replaces the previous wooden structure which had become outdated and lacked accessibility for students with mobility needs. The new equipment features a pirate ship, ADA accessible ramps, rubber mulch, a water table, and a piano keyboard.

To commemorate the official opening of the playground, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held at the preschool on Thursday, September 19 from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm. Members of the press were invited to attend, along with Excentia Human Services’ Board of Directors, project donors, and other community supporters.

The renovation first began when Manheim Township Boy Scout, Christian Strine, chose the playground as his Eagle Scout Project and raised over $5,000. “I wanted to do a project that would leave a lasting impact for children who need it most,” Strine said. “My hope is that this cleanup effort and new playground sets will help create a better experience for the children, no matter their abilities.” Excentia Human Services would also like to thank the following donors for their support:

  • Mark R. and Betty J. Hackman
  • Swing Kingdom
  • The Gamber Foundation
  • The Dart Foundation
  • Cub Scout Pack 93
  • Music for Everyone
  • Paul Davis Restoration of Central PA
  • Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Both teachers and little ones are delighted about the change,” said Sue Oberholtzer, Preschool Director, “and we extend our sincere gratitude to all who have contributed to this important new undertaking.”

Check out news coverage of the event here.

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