Jada’s Story

Young girl in pink shirt wears a blue hat When you meet Jada, the first thing you will notice about her is how energetic and loving she is! It is no surprise that this energetic girl loves to run around outside, swim, dance like a ballerina and play with her friends and cousins. She also enjoys coloring and putting puzzles together.

Jada has received services from the S. June Smith Center’s Birth to Three program. Michelle, Jada’s mom, shared about how the S. June Smith Center has made a significant impact on Jada’s development.

Young girl sits on a wall in a garden“Jada received speech, occupational therapy and special instruction until she turned 3.
Her clarity and number of words she spoke improved; they [interventionists from the S. June Smith Center] gave us strategies to use to help with the sensory issues to calm her down; they were a part of her initial integration into a day care setting and it was wonderful to have that support and partnering.”
Michelle has been touched by the amount of caring and attention she received from staff at the S. June Smith Center and feels it was one of the best aspects of working with the S. June Smith Center.

“The personal attention my daughter received from the therapists. They kept me abreast on her problems, advances, etc.  Each therapist brought specific knowledge to the table to help my daughter.”

Jada is a sweet little girl who loves the color pink and playing with her stuffed kitty. Her favorite book is Llama Llama Nighty Night.

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