Ryan Wins

Ryan Reaches for Competitive Employment

Ryan smiling at event!

This is the face of a man realizing a dream.  For as long as I’ve known Ryan, he has been talking about his desire to get a competitive job.  On September 27, 2017, this dream became a reality for Ryan.  On this day, supported by staff, he rode the train with two of his peers to the Capital building in Harrisburg to be a  guest messenger for the House of Representatives, Office of the Chief Clerk.  Each one had an opportunity to interview for the open messenger position.  Following the interviews each was introduced on the House Floor and met their representatives.  At the end of the day, Ryan was offered the position and happily accepted.  He will begin his job on October 16.

Ryan with Representatives Tom Murt and Donna Bullock

Pennsylvania is an Employment First State which means everyone needs to be considered for competitive employment before going to a vocational training facility.  These changes in policy are what prompted Excentia to begin an Employment Department. The first Employment Specialist began the end of May and a second was added in August.   The goal of this department is that anyone who wants a competitive job, gets one.  Our focus is on Discovery, really getting to know the person, their abilities and interests. Then we look for an employer where we can customize a position that lines up with everything we’ve learned about the person. Support is given to both the individual job seeker and the employer in order to find a good match.  On going  job support and coaching is provided and then gradually faded as the employer  takes over the support role.  The job coach continues to be available to assist as needed.

We are working to help individuals explore potential jobs, broadening their view of what they believe they are able to do.  Frequently, people with disabilities have been limited to greeter positions, janitorial and food service.  We believe people with disabilities have skills that can be used in a variety of settings.  Currently, Excentia participants are competitively employed in a number of non-traditional positions including an attorney’s office, an aborist and now the House of Representatives.

If you happen to see Ryan, ask him about his new job.  He’ll be delighted to tell you all about it.

If you are interested in learning more about our Employment First services, contact Donna Hornberger via email at dhornberger@ourexcentia.org

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