Scrapbooking Event

Super Saturday Scrapbooking

The biggest event that my chapter holds is a scrapbooking event each semester where all the money raised goes directly to Excentia’s S. June Smith Center. This past semester I quickly learned how much time and effort goes into planning and executing a ten-hour scrapbooking day.

Lexis at the entrance to the Scrapbooking EventPictured: Lexis Lipko at Spring 2017 scrapbooking event

I wanted it to be the most successful one yet. My first task included meeting with advisor Paula Foreman, who fun fact actually is the reason Excentia’s S. June Smith Center is a philanthropic partner of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Paula has been running the event alongside service and giving chairs for many years and still is actively involved today.

The scrapbooking event takes place at Stayer Hall on Millersville University’s campus. Participants in the event pay $20 for a ten hour time period where a light breakfast, lunch, goodie bags and car to seat service are provided. Throughout the day they are able to take a walk through the hallways to see what vendors are selling, such as Thirty-One gifts or Pampered Chef. Their final destination is usually the raffle table and this past semester we had well over 60 raffle items available.

Leading up to the event is very frustrating at times though. Paula and I meet months in advance to discuss what the food will be and where we will ask for raffles at. After that initial meeting we are going business to business looking for donations because we strive to make sure that we aren’t spending any money on the event, which allows all money raised to go directly to the cause.

After food is picked up and raffles are retrieved, the set up begins. The night before the big event you can find the sisters of my chapter moving tables, placing name cards and goodie bags in the classrooms of Stayer Hall in preparation for the busy morning set up ahead. When 7 a.m. arrives we are frantically getting the raffle items set up on the tables and making sure that food is placed in the correct order and drinks are being chilled.

Scrapbooking Event in Full SwingPictured: A room full of scrapbookers!

Once set up is complete the real event begins. This past semester we had over 110 women, the most ever to attend the event, who we had to get inside and to the right places. Once a majority of the ladies are placed at their tables the scrapbooking begins for them and down time begins for us, until lunch of course.

Scrapbooking Raffle Prize TablePictured: The Raffles available

Since we take care of providing lunch we let the women choose what they want for dinner, meaning that my sisters and myself become delivery drivers. They call out for their food and we go and pick it up, allowing the women to keep scrapbooking until they are ready to leave. And just like in the beginning of the day we pick up their items, load up their cars and tell them we will see them next semester.

The day is a lot of work for my chapter but all of the time and effort that we put into the day of operations really pays off in the long run. This past semester over $4,000 was raised for Excentia’s S. June Smith Center, the largest amount ever raised at one of our scrapbooking events.

ASA Sisters at Scrapbooking EventPictured: Sisters helping out with Raffle Ticket sales

When I finally have a moment to relax, all I can do is think about how thankful I am. Without my sisters or Paula it would not be possible to raise such a large amount of money for an organization, but then I remember that I get to do it all again next semester and I am hoping to raise even more.

Alpha Love and Mine,


P.S. This year’s event is on September 30th in Stayer Hall at Millersville University!  Want to register to join in the fun?  Email and a representative from the event will be in touch with you with all of the details.

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