Lexis joins Excentia

My name is Lexis Lipko and I am currently a Junior at Millersville University located in Lancaster, PA. I am studying for a degree in Speech Communication with an option in Public Relations. At school I hold a few positions such as secretary/treasurer for Panhellenic Council and service and giving chair for my sorority, Alpha Sigma Alpha. I am interning with Excentia’s marketing team this summer and have happily taken on this blogging experience to connect our community to happenings going on within our wonderful organization. With that being said, I want to give you a little insight on what I do for Excentia’s S. June Smith Center when I’m at school and not in the office.

Lexis, the blogger, leaning against a porch in Lititz, PA

Summer vacation is all about relaxing but sorority philanthropy chairs all over the country are already getting their fall semester calendars together, because the work never truly stops. Planning and organization are two very important things to keep in mind when taking on such a large position in a chapter. I took on the position in December 2016 and thus far it has brought joy to my life, because I know with each fundraising event and time spent volunteering we are making a difference.

In my sorority, Alpha Sigma Alpha, the service and giving chair is in charge of organizing volunteer opportunities and fundraising events for chapter members. We are fortunate enough to have three philanthropic partners: Excentia’s S. June Smith Center, Girls On the Run and Special Olympics. In my chapter we tend to volunteer with Girls On the Run and Special Olympics the most then focus on raising money for Excentia’s S. June Smith Center. Having three philanthropic partners makes it easy to quickly add local events to the calendar, which can keep us involved with one or more of the organizations at least once a month.

One unique thing about my chapter in particular is that we are located in the same county as Excentia’s S.June Smith Center. Being so close allows my chapter to attend events such as the Extra Give phone-a-thon and Road Rally where money is raised and then distributed among Excentia’s many programs. It is also easy to set up restaurant nights and get the community involved because Excentia’s services affect individuals right here in Lancaster County. Other chapters around the country tend to have tabling events, restaurant nights and even purchase items such as toys off of the Amazon Smile account to show their support. Some of my favorite tabling events include having a simple bake sale or a Flocking table where pink feather pins are sold in support of Excentia’s S. June Smith Center.

Of course with every position or job there come mild frustrations and hiccups. I’m sure other service and giving chairs can relate to setting up an event and not having enough ladies willing to sign up for the cause or ladies saying they need to study. My biggest frustration though is deciding what I can do to raise the most money effectively. When I first got this position I told myself I wanted to raise the most money ever in a semester and I am well on my way to making that happen within my chapter.

Women from the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority at Excentia's Extra Give Event 2016Pictured: Alpha Sigma Alpha, EK at Extra Give 2016

Having the opportunity to serve my chapter and Excentia’s S. June Smith Center with this fundraising position has been hard but fun work. Each event we attend or that I come up with allows monetary funds to be raised for the advancement of learning and furthering the education and lives of many individuals.

For more information about Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority and Excentia’s S. June Smith Center head over to our children’s services page.

Alpha Love and Mine,


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