Features: Anna Wiggins & Paul Phillips

Anna Wiggins: Child, ABA Feature Four-year-old Anna Wiggins has been benefiting from Excentia Human Services’ Children Services, specifically Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy (ABA), for several months now. Her parents, Sandy and Austin Wiggins, deeply cherish her as the love of their lives. Born during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic at only 3 pounds […]

Invisible Abilities

By: Mary Godin Joel at his current job. Joel likes to stock shelves. Specifically, he wants things to be in their place. As his mom, Kay, says, “He is passionate about things being in order.” She chuckles fondly as she relays this to me over the phone; when Joel comes home from work, he immediately […]

A Balancing Act

By: Mary Godin Excentia Human Services’ Employment Specialists Brenda Mitchell (left) and Laurie Becker (right). Emotional intelligence, social awareness, and adaptability. Three of the most crucial skills needed to be an employment specialist at Excentia Human Services. Our team of three, including our Supported Employment Lead, provides job coaching and training, on-the-job supports, and community-based […]

Extra Give 2022 – Impact Highlight

As the youngest of five siblings, Bennett always loves tagging along for family activities. In his early years, nothing seemed concerning with Bennett’s development.

COVID-19 Vaccine Info

Updated 3/9/21 Excentia Human Services stands in support of COVID-19 vaccines and strongly encourages all employees, people we support, and community members to get a vaccine as soon as they are able. Since the vaccinations have been made available, well over a hundred employees have been vaccinated, and more are signed up and waiting to […]

COVID-19 Updates and Policies

Updated 01/06/2022 Resources PA Dept of Health – Coronavirus in Pennsylvania Residential Services Visits at the Residential Home We have made great strides in reducing the numbers of COVID-19 cases in our residential homes and want to continue minimizing the risk to those who reside in the homes. We request you follow the indoor visit […]