stories and updates


Excentia’s Response to the DSP Crisis

What is a DSP? People with developmental needs and autism have every right to live a happy, productive life and be involved in the community. Sometimes this isn’t possible without the help of a Direct Support Professional. DSPs help individuals on a daily basis with anything they need, from tying

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Stephanie’s Employment Story

Employment levels for people with disabilities are low, even in this strong economy. As of 2017, less than 19% of people with disabilities were employed, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor. In contrast, the employment-population ratio for those without a disability was nearly 66%. Customized and Supported Employment is

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The Most Magical Trip on Earth

“The bumps are tickling my tummy!” Ryan yelled as we jetted down the runway. Years of working and saving up had finally paid off. “It’s party time!” Ryan shouted. Everyone on the plane was in agreement – it was party time! Ryan and I were off to Disney World.  

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TimberNook FAQs

What is TimberNook? TimberNook is a nature-based developmental outdoor program that integrates sensory experiences, imagination and nature for all kids. Children play together and independently using stories, games, and new experiences to have fun, learn, develop, and explore. The TimberNook curriculum weaves together the therapeutic benefits of nature with activities

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Loose Parts

When exploring TimberNook of Lancaster County at Climber’s Run, a number of random items might catch your eye…a wood pallet by the creek, a spool in the grass, sheer curtains hanging from a branch, a rain gutter leaning against a tree, and baskets of odds and ends. These items, with

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Sensory Play

Sensory processing is getting a lot of attention in the world of child development. Much of the public knowledge centers on children who are overly sensitive to sensations like noise, touch, and movement which may cause a child to respond in an aggressive or withdrawn manner. Sensory-sensitive activities are springing

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Let the Children Play

As a pediatric occupational therapist with many years of learning in both formal and informal ways about early child development, I have developed some personal “guiding rules:” A child’s relationship to his/her mommy/daddy/loving adult is primary. Our role with an infant is to nurture and protect. Easy. The not-so-easy role

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Working for Excentia

What it Means to be the LPN for Excentia

What it Means to be the LPN for Excentia In February of 2014, I joined Excentia as the only nurse. My background was varied, working with physicians for most of my career, skilled nursing facilities, dialysis, staff & training development, and dialysis education with patients and their families. My career

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About Excentia

What does Excentia do to enrich the lives of its individuals?

Excentia reaches out to individuals with ASDs Empowering people with development needs, Excentia is a growing nonprofit organization with a great reputation, a respected human services presence in the Lancaster, PA. Excentia offers services to individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities, and more recently, our support services recognize Autism Spectrum

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Give back to the S. June Smith Center

Tis the season to give back! Every year when Christmas time rolls around I always find small ways to give back to my community. One year my family participated in an “adopt a family” for for the holidays where we got a wishlist from the family and headed out to

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Give Extra to Excentia on Nov. 17!

Share a gift that gives all people the opportunity to lead productive and fulfilling lives.